Your Child's Learning
We aim to create a positive indoor and outdoor environment that is inviting, inclusive and rich in possibilities, one that reflects the diversity of our local community and the families who use the service.
Classroom spaces are set up using a variety of media to empower children to make choices, promote peer relationships and to provoke thoughts and imagination.
We believe that children are resourceful learners who are capable of constructing their own knowledge of the world around them.
The classroom environment aims to promote relationships that support children to:
Feel a sense of belonging
See themselves as constructive contributors to the community
See themselves as valued, unique and powerful
Engage in relationships of caring and respect.
Echidna Room
A program for 4 -5 year old children
The Echidna Group focuses on the education and care of four to five year old children using the Early Years Learning Framework to inform curriculum development.
In the Echidna classroom each child is respected as a unique individual while being supported to participate in an inclusive program.
Children’s interests are acknowledged and used as a scaffold for further learning experiences enhancing the children’s feeling of being valued and respected.

Wombat Room
A program for 3-4 year old children
The Wombat Group focuses on the education and care of three to four year old children using the Early Years Learning Framework to inform curriculum development.
The Wombat classroom extends and compliments the child’s home environment. This is achieved by providing a loving, stable and secure environment that promotes reciprocal family relationships and enhances the child’s sense of belonging.
Children learn through play using open ended materials and interest based experiences.
The portfolios reflect an ‘All About Me’ approach focusing on all aspects of the child’s development and wellbeing.

Extra-curricular Activities
Fun and Challenging
In addition to the preschool program we are able to provide the children with additional activities which include:
Wiradjuri Echoes cultural learning visits
Farm animal visits
Emergency service visits
Sporting activities
Music activities
Mobile library